The Danbury Police Activities League better known as "The PAL," is a non-profit volunteer-driven organization that serves youth throughout the Greater Danbury area by providing a wide range of programs and services to meet their mentoring, athletic and recreational needs. We accomplish this mission through our 18 youth programs that run year-round. PAL was founded in 1964 with the goal of providing children a safe and healthy alternative to drugs, violence and crime. The Danbury PAL serves over 900 area families with over 4,000 in total participants of boys and girls ranging from 5-18 years of age. In addition, over 15,000 people use the PAL center for various community, organizational and private events.
The PAL Center located across from Candlewood Town Park on Hayestown Road was built in 1997. It is an independently run facility governed by a Board of Directors under a 501C3 nonprofit charter. PAL's day to day operations and programs are supported through the philanthropic support of our community, the dedicated work of many volunteers, and with generous support from the City of Danbury.
Looking to participate in a sport that requires skill, strength, strategic thinking and the desire to play as part of a team? Whichever level you play at, baseball can enhance your life, improving fitness, strength and coordination.
Whether you are looking to play casually in our recreational league or competitively with one of our traveling teams, you'll find our organization to be a great place to learn new skills and meet new friends.